2016 Inductees
Cambridge Red & Whites Softball 1964

The Cambridge Red & Whites softball team entered the 1964 season as the defending Western Valley champions. In the aftermath of that victory, Manager Dr. Ron Thorpe had expressed hope that the 1964 campaign might be even greater.
As it turned out, those were prophetic words, as the 1964 team ended up winning both the Nova Scotia and Maritime championships.
The Red & Whites entered the season with an experienced lineup that included a number of talented performers. The real strength of the Red & Whites, though, was that anyone on the roster was capable of leading the team to victory.
Curtis C. (Curt) Palmer – Athlete

Curt Palmer was born in Berwick April 30, 1957 into a curling family, so it should have come as no surprise that he began curling at the age of 11. He recalls Gerald Bezanson coming to the Berwick school and doing a presentation on the sport.
Curt’s parents and grandparents all curled. “My grandfather, Howard Margeson, once played on a team with his father, E.W. (Ernest) Margeson,” he says.”Curling has run in our family for a long time.”
Dale Lloyd – Athlete And Builder

Dale Lloyd has had a long and varied career in sport, as both an athlete and as a builder.
Born in Berwick May 8, 1948, Dale grew up in Cambridge, which at the time was a diverse sporting community. Dale has fond memories of football, soccer and especially fastball teams. His youthful goal, however, was to one day play fastball for Cambridge, a dream he would ultimately realize. Dale played minor hockey in Berwick, and for the 1966-1967 and 1967-1968 seasons, was a member of the Berwick Shell Juniors. The 1967-1968 team finished as provincial runners-up to the Halifax Colonels. Dale was an average player on good teams.
Ed Malloy – Athlete

Growing up in Belleville, Ontario, Ed Malloy and his fellow youngsters were fortunate to have ballfields to play on that were maintained by the local fire department. Firemen and policemen also coached many of the minor softball teams in the area.
Respect for the firefighters and especially the policemen inspired Ed to choose police work as his career. He joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in 1962, and after training in Ottawa, was posted to Nova Scotia.
Brian R. (Jerry) Goulet – Athlete

Brian (Jerry) Goulet served his country for 34 years in the Royal Canadian Air Force, joining in 1953 and retiring in 1987. For much of that time, if you were in the Forces and were athletic at all, there were plenty of opportunities to play a variety of sports.
In addition to his ‘day jobs’, sports kept Jerry quite busy for several years, as both a player and an official. He was primarily a fastball pitcher, and recalled that in one season, he played for three different teams and won a total of 32 games.
Born and raised in Foleyet, Ontario, Jerry learned to whip a fastball from a young teammate. After he had tried it a few times, his friend said, “you seem to have a knack for this.”
Richard (Rick) Book – Athlete, Coach

Born in Labrador in 1949 and brought up in Berwick, Rick Book became the most accomplished male figure skater in the history of the Berwick and District Figure Skating Club.
Rick started his athletic career as a hockey player, but ended up having to take a year off due to a broken collar bone. “I didn’t want to play hockey anymore,” he says, “but I loved skating and I knew I wanted to be doing something on the ice.”