2003 Inductees
Bill Wilson Sr. 1900-1963

Many things come to mind that were special about William Blackburn Wilson, but none more than the fact that he was always available to talk and willing to help young and old who were interested in developing and promoting sports. Although he worked day and night he was a dedicated fan of sports at all levels particularly hockey and baseball.
1944-45 Berwick Bruins Nova Scotia Intermediate Hockey Champions

It was a war year. Local hockey enthusiasts needed more than replaying games dug out of the past. In a preseason interview, the Register had this description of President Dr. Moreash " with a beaming countenance and a glint in his eye that bespeaks confidence that his pets will not be on the short end of all the goal counting this winter."
1943-44 Berwick Mens Curling Team

This team made unequalled history in the winter of 1943-44 in three major curling events, even though no championship had been won. The "Father and Son Rink"(so dubbed by the bonspielers), skipped and mated by Howard (son) and Ern Margeson (father), respectively, together with their teammates Waldo Lovelace and Wayne Early on no less than three occasions came within an ace of bringing home the championship trophy.
1929-30 Berwick Bruins Hockey Team

In the spring of 1929, citizens of Berwick and vicinity, enthusiastically embarked on a journey to build an up-to-date covered rink. A joint stock company was formed, called The Berwick Arena Ltd. Shares were sold and practically all citizens of the town subscribed for shares. A public meeting was held to determine the building site, cost and financial responsibility. It was decided the skating area would be 160x70 feet, the curling ice 140x14 feet, with a total cost of $7800. The site would be adjacent to the athletic grounds in the centre of town.
James (Jimmie) Joseph White - 1910-1989

James (Jimmie) Joseph White (LeBlanc) began his hockey career in his hometown of Port Elgin, NB.
He came to Berwick in 1936 and became an instant star with the Berwick Bruins Senior Hockey Club.
Pat Hampsey

Growing up in the 40's in Berwick, a town already steeped with a rich sports history- it was only natural to be influenced by it all. Listening to hockey broadcasts with his Dad, Pat heard about a book on how to play better baseball and hockey and promptly sent away for it. The book enrolled him in a better "sports school". The rest, of course, is history.